X11 and Visuals


I was delighted to find that Apple had included PseudoColor support in their 3rd X11 beta as it means that I'm a step closer having to get some old code that uses "planes" to run without the cost of a major re-write.

Unfortunately my knowledge of X seems to be limited so excuse me if this question is naive.

Can / how does an X program select which available Visual to use (does it even need to)?

I know how to get information about all visual modes (XGetVisualInfo – which doesn’t seem to give me the PseudoColor visual when connecting to Apples X11) or find a match to requirements (XmatchVisualInfo which does).

Given that you have found that a suitable visual mode exists (but is not the default) do you (a) need to make it the default and (b) how?

Is there any good web resources out there containing information?

Thanks in anticipation.