X11 / ssh failure


Let me start off with saying I'm not much of an expert on the issue, just a regular user with a problem with X11 / shh. Knowing the huge amount of knowledge and experience here, I figured let's try to get a solution here. Hope someone has some helpful info for the following:

I have an old G4, running 10.3.9 . I mainly use it for work, where I ssh to a remote host with all the files I need and where I can submit calculations and all. This used to work fine until yesterday. The Mac had been off for a about a week and when I now try to log in on any remote host it wont get me to the home directories there. I use X11, bash shell, didn't change anything there. When I ssh to the hosts I want to log on to I get to the 'entering passwd' stage without a problem. So the connection is made, passwd requested and after typing it, I normally would get into the home directory there. However, now, after typing the correct passwd (if I type a wrong passwd it tells me, so the passwd is recognized correctly), the cursor jumps to the next line and the terminal doesn't do anything further. My home directories at the remote hosts do not show like they did a week ago. So, I *do* get onto the machines and the passwd is recognized, but the home directory info is not appearing on my terminal. To make sure where the problem is, I also tried it with my windows (yes, I know, sorry ;-) ) machine and with that I could get in without any problem, so the problem must somehow come from the Mac, but then the question ofcourse is: what causes this? And how to solve it? I did not change anything on the Mac since shutting it down last week and starting it up yesterday again. The only difference I recall is that I disconnected the cable from the internet and it still was when starting up, but it's ofcourse reconnected and working fine (no problems at all with using the internet).

Any clues on what this might be? I looked into everything I could think of (removing known-hosts, checking shell-type, check date & time for errors, removing .ssh dir so a new one is created, using different protocals for ssh like -1, -2 etc, but all with no luck.

Thanks in advance for tips and suggestions.
