XCode documentation problem


Crotchety UI Nitpicker
I've noticed in the past couple of days that the Find Next feature is not working in XCode's documentation. I can search for a string once in a documentation page, and that will work, but trying to find the next occurrance just does nothing. I can see more occurrances right there, but it will not find them. This has persisted across relaunches and reboots.

I'm not sure when this problem started. I assume I would have noticed it earlier if it happened since I first upgraded to Leopard. It's possible it started with the 10.5.2 update. I also updated my documentation just recently, but I don't see why that should matter (it just updated the HTML files, not the application).

Has anyone else noticed this? Any ideas how I could fix it? It's getting to be a real nuisance. For now I'm opening the pages in a web browser so I can search them.