
Is "xoot" better than irc.press3.com?

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Got xoot?
If you haven't heard already, there is an AIM chatroom called "xoot." I made it, and I wanna take a poll if it's better than IRC.

You can ask me to invite you there. :)
Does you insanity ever end. Stop making all these damn threads! I warned you once about what can happen. I am dead serious, knock it off now! Im not trying to be a prick, but I am just letting you know what will happen if you dont stop.

If you are trying to make a name for yourself, this is not the way to go about it. Please, please stop.
Methinks xoot needs to stop posting threads like this. At least put this kind of one liner in the AIM thread for crying out loud! A thread STARTER should have the time to post something useful :p
I find it really stupid. The admin is asking for donations to speed up the server nearly since this forums exits, and people like xoot fill it up with....well...crap! Sorry, xoot, don't take it personal, but there is just no sense in what you are doing. All you achieve is slowing down the server and wasting bandwith. If that is what you want, then thank you and good night.
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