Xtreme Skyflier Experience


Unofficial Mac Genius
For any of you that have ever been to Great America (it's an amusement park, complete with roller coasters and junk food and nauseating rides), I just wanted to share an experience I had today.

I went to Great America (in Santa Clara, CA), and I had the opportunity to go on the Xtreme Skyflier ride. It cost $20 extra, but I went on it just to see what it was like.

Here's the description:

"Experience the breathtaking thrill of hang gliding and skydiving. You’ll be hoisted 153 feet above ground, and dive at speeds up to 60 miles per hour while free-falling 17 stories toward the Earth skimming just six feet above the ground."

Basically the ride is an arch that's 153 feet high, and you're in a harness by yourself or with 1 or 2 other people (I went with my friend from the dorm here at Stanford), and then one of you pulls the rip cord and you're let to fall, and then swing a few times like a pendulum.

If I was allowed to use profanity this once, I would be swearing my head off. It was a really awesome experience. Indescribable. When your free-falling like that, there's just no way you can describe it in words or in speech. It's nothing like drop zone where you have a seatbelt and thing that straps you down. On Drop Zone, you fall straight down, too. But on the Xtreme Skyflier, you are brought up and then let go to swing like a pendulum.

I have to say that was one of the most scariest moments of my life – being hoisted up that high. You are hoisted up really high, and then you get hoisted up higher. :eek: But once your flying, it's just this awesome, incredible feeling.

I just thought I'd share that. :D
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
no chance in hell would i ever do that...

I think I went temporarily insane when I decided to try it, blingbling. I dunno why, I just wanted to. But it was SOOOOO worth it. :)
Simone, you make it sound fun. but since i was literally shaking for about 5 minutes after doing drop zone, i think i will pass on this one. I do hope to make a trip to great america this summer though. The stealth is one of the best rides i have ever been on!!
Ed, it sure was fun. You really don't know what you're missing out on until you try it. :) I thought the $20 was worth it. ;)

Anyway, I was wondering -- has anybody else done things like this or maybe true hang-gliding/skydiving? I would really be interested in hearing your experiences. :)
No way:eek:! That's too scary. And anyway, I am already insane, so I wouldn't want to be temporairly insaneer. :D
Oh, come on! Surely there's some geek out there who's more adventurous than me! I'd be surprised if there wasn't.
I'll take a vote for "less adventurous", thank you. I'm with BB -- no way I'd do something like that. I'm not a fan of heights -- my shell might crack... :D
OK, that's just scary. I'm NOT the adventurous type at all. That's just really scary if I'm now the most adventurous on MacOSX.com . I wonder what the LEAST adventurous would be, then. :p

Seriously, though, I'm not the adventurous type -- only recently (in the past year or so) have I ventured to be a little more adventurous than usual, and I don't think this is THAT adventurous... after all, it IS at Great America, so there wasn't really any danger.

Let's turn this into a "Most Adventurous thing you've ever done" thread, OK? I'm interested!
Originally posted by simX
Let's turn this into a "Most Adventurous thing you've ever done" thread, OK? I'm interested!

I went outside once. There was a big bright light on in the blue ceiling so I went back in after I couldn't find the switch to turn it off.
Let's see.... adventurous...

How about the time I crashed my motorcycle on the way to the top of a mountain? No, that was bad luck and inexperience. Still, I almost dropped off a 40 foot drop... Nope, not adventurous.

How about the spelunking I do every once in a while? No, that's just dark. And adventurous for claustrophobics, but that's not me.


I think I'm with dricci on this one. But I go outside every day (I have to go to work).