xwindow remote applications


Hey all,

I've searched over and over again for another article I saw on this subject, but I cannot find it. I used to be able to use telnet and set the display variable to my home computer, but now I can't get it to work right. I have done the following.

1. On my computer: set xhost + remote computer IP

2. telnet into remote computer
3. When I try to setenv DISPLAY I get an error saying ksh. setenv unknown.

Any suggestions?


talk to whomever administers your machine.

They have changed your login shell from
a csh/tcsh version to ksh.
'setenv' is a tcsh shell command, which is the default on MacOSX. On the remote system, you are using a different shell, which seems to be 'ksh'.

Do a 'man ksh' to check out how to set environment variables in ksh.

how do I search the manual for ksh? I type man ksh, but the manual is soooo long I don't feel like looking through all of it.

thanks again.
try export DISPLAY=yourcomputersip:0

as an aside... to search for stuff in manpages, hit the / (slash) key then type a keyword hit return... should find what you are looking for.