Yahoo/IE conflict?


I use several of Yahoo's "services" (email, 360º, Answers) and a couple days ago, I ran into some kind of conflict between a Yahoo identity and IE.

Specifically, I've participated in Yahoo Answers for some time with no real problems, other than Yahoo's own glitches.

Suddenly, my IE would shut down randomly when in Yahoo Answers, every 1-3 minutes.

It didn't make any sense. I re-set IE but that wasn't the cure.

I tried using ANOTHER Yahoo identity, and did not experience the shut-down. Now I was perplexed.

We have both OSX and a PC in our home, so I went to the PC and tried my original Yahoo identity - with NO PROBLEMS!!!

Not being a real tech, I just assumed that there was now some kind of conflict between my Yahoo identity and my Mac IE browser.

Thus, I downloaded a copy of Firefox, and I'm not having any more identity issues with Yahoo Answers.

Anybody have any theories/ideas on this?
Internet Explorer on the Mac is deprecated. You should upgrade to some version of Safari or Firefox and test again.
Weird - when I use yahoo answers, any time I send an answer to anything, Safari crashes. This has been on from since they made some other changes too (about the same time that they changed that you don't have to log in to yahoo mail every day).