

Yay. Last night I got home at 11:00 from my Friday night brawl...guess what I found lying on my desk?

My AirPort card!!! It finally came! Although my router gets here on Monday I couldn't resist installing the airport on my iBook. Strange enough I made the installation A LOT harder than it had to be:

I thought the words "AirPort" on the card were suppost to face up (towards me), while the Serial # and such was suppost to face down (away). So I kept pushing it, and pushing it, but it just wouldn't go in. Finally I looked at the bottom of it and noticed the 'L' design, turned the card over, ("AirPort" now facing down) and it clicked! I booted up my Mac and sure enough: that little AirPort placed a menu icon in my menu.

How fun this is. Oh and btw: I'm building a "home-made" titanium Mac next week, anybody know where I can buy LCD Touch screens that would work for this?

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Trip
I'm building a "home-made" titanium Mac next week, anybody know where I can buy LCD Touch screens that would work for this?

:D :D :D :D :D :D


um. wow. I would guess http://www.touchscreens.com/ would fit your needs, but. Um. Did you mean tablet? Could you please tell me what's going on? :D Whatever it is, it sounds exciting.
Trip, you need to change your avatar. You're much to gleeful to have a picture of an old man representing you. But I'm glad to hear that you're happy about having Airport.

I had some trouble installing some RAM in my iMac the other day. When I opened up the bottom of the machine, I saw that I had to click off two little switches to push the RAM in. However, I had a bit of trouble getting them to push back on. I rebooted the computer, and it still only had 128 MB, so I had to open it up again. I had to remove the original RAM chip to figure out how to put either back in, but finally I got it and now I'm working off 640 MB of RAM. Simply beautiful.
Arden: Isn't it fun to install stuff? It seems like the more trouble you have installing it the funner/better it turns out.

Mike (can I call you that?): The old man is from a über-design company that has inspired me since sixth grade: http://www.HalesCreative.com so that's the reason for the avatar. And thanks for the comments!!!
but what are you building and why will it need touch screens, it does cool, could you post some pictures of the finished product when your done
Trip, you could have gotten off saying it was some old famous guy, like Galileo or Socrates...heck, even Nostradamous.
Um, I believe 'twas I who asked about the avatar... makes me think of Gandalf... but oh well. Yeah, great fun!

Anyway, what are you putting into your hot rod Mac, and where are you getting the parts, especially the more "exotic" ones like the motherboard?
Hehe sorry bout the mix up arden, mike.

Parts are coming from all over the place, they're mostly laptop parts. Basically I'm building a tiny computer to fit into the glovebox of a car. The computer will be installed there and wired to the cars stereo, airport installed as well.

Basically it's gonna be a tiny computer to sync my iTunes music when I stop at my house so I can have all the music I want (best quality) in my car. Don't have all the details worked out yet. I'm just setting it as a fun little project I'd like to start, and finish. :)
With a monitor in the steering wheel, where the air bag should go, like the rappers do, right? ;)