Yellow Exclamation Badge On Startup Of Every App


Apple Avid
I recently backed up my Dock from 10.2.6 and used the hacked dock from 6C48 and now have minimize in place enabled. When I seem to open some applications, it gives me the yellow exclamation badge (like the icon I used for this thread). Do you think the 6C48 dock is giving me they yellow icon to warn me I have clashing dock with system? Do any of you think I need to switch back?
Have you tried repairing perms or fsck ? Usually the most basic repairs kill those stupid little pesky problems. If they don't, I'd recommend going back to a regular system.
No, that yellow exclamation is shown while the apps are loading up. I have the minimize in place dock too ;)

You'll only see it if you have a few apps starting at the same time and they take more than a second to load up. The badge will also show up in an app after that if it takes a few seconds to become active. I think the badge is just showing you that the application isn't responding at the moment.