Yet Another Little Mail Thingy


devil's plaything
Using Apple's Mail, messages in Sent always appear under the brown banner You marked this message as Junk Mail (along with a Not Junk bezel.)

This does not correspond to any of the rules I have set up.

In addition, I have as of late not been receiving all my mail, including a test message I sent to myself.

I am using a mail account and Connection Doctor says everything is okay.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Have you put Mail into training mode? When you do, then manually identify misidentified messages as junk or not. When the junk mail identification system achieves sufficient accuracy, take it out of training mode.
Had Mail in training mode, it moved out of that phase. I think this odd behavior must have begun after updating to 10.4.8. Anyway, putting it back into training mode did not help. :(
Well I had it in training mode when I installed Tiger last year... put it back into training mode after recent snafu, sent many test messages to myself but it just won't learn, even marks my drafts as Junk. At least now I am receiving my tests, though they are all marked as Junk no matter how many times I select Not Junk. Grrr...
So you expect it to learn in three of four emails? I find that it takes two to three weeks.

My suggeston: Start over.

Reset your junk mail filter.
Put it back into training mode.
Delete the junk mail rules that you entered manually. Let the automatic learning mode handle your junk mail rules.
Keep the filter in traing mode for at least two weeks.
After that time, evaluate the accuracy of your filter. If it is sufficiently accurate, take it out of training mode. If not; give it another week.
Well it might take a while for Mail to learn to apply the rules to every correspondent, but it should immediately learn to recognize any address manually marked as Junk or Not Junk!

Anyway I was finally able to fix everything by deleting the plist files (just moving them to the desktop didn't help, they had to be trashed) and starting up Mail from scratch. Took a while to get all the settings right (the default doesn't seem to agree with IMAP, at least on my network) but now it seems to be performing flawlessly.

Thanks for the help!