Yet Another Quartz Exteme Demo Pic


Official ai tenshi
Hi all :D

I thought i'll share this with you...

It’s an playing DVD, a transparent Terminal above, the transparent clock and the volume popup

(in 10.1 it was not even possible to composite the volume popup above a DVD)


  • quartzexteme.jpg
    73 KB · Views: 392
You can capture your screen if you have a nVidia Graphiccard and Snapz Pro X (you can find it at
Actually, with Quartz Extreme, Snapz Pro X can capture the DVD from any card that supports QE. With my original Radeon, I can capture DVD in screenshots just fine under Jaguar.
Originally posted by JetosX
whats that thing just above the terminal scroll bar?

It allows you to split the terminal window - it’s quite cool for reading manpages while trying things :)


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    89.4 KB · Views: 135
ddma - check your pm's.

but for everyone's clarification - attempts to share jaguar, and that includes any portion of jaguar, will not be allowed on this site. until apple releases jaguar, this desktop cannot be considered public domain and hence is not suitable for sharing. I strongly doubt apple would appreciate seeing it in your public folder at this time.
oh, i see. i m sorry about that. i just thought dat there was some problem going on at