I went to the Apple Store and saw the MWSF Keynote live via Satellite, there were tons of other people there, too. So it was like the real thing without actually being there
I had to drive about 300 miles with my mom to see the MWSF via satelite. My mom actually got info from a guy in the food court on how to get into the mall early. I actually snuck into the mall about an hour before the doors officially opened. There were already 3 people waiting who had done the same thing.
At the last MWNY, the keynote was presented on a huge screen one hour late. So when you walk in to the show floor, you can watch the full keynote over again; you're just seeing it an hour later, but at that point in time, the people who DID see the keynote before you aren't out yet to tell you what's going to happen
I would assume we'd work to get people who don't live in/near NY that are well-known around the boards to MWNY... and I'd be there as well since I live nearby
Seriously though, anyone who is in New York really should try to organize a meeting of MacOSX.com posters on the show floor. Can we try to set this up? I want to meet fellow MOSX New Yorkers!