Your favorite Star Wars movie

Which is your favorite?

  • Star Wars

  • The Empire Strikes Back

  • Return of the Jedi

  • Phantom Manace

  • Attack of the Clones

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Ministry of Re-Education
This may be one of the most difficult choices I've ever had to make, Especially since I'm 28 and I grew up in the time of the original 3 movies. I saw them in the theatre.

In my opinion, the Star Wars novelty feel has changed with the new ones(prequels). I can't put my finger exactly on why. I mean, we all know Jar-Jar totally ruined The Phantom Menace so I don't know why I even included it in the poll. Attack of the Clones was visually STUNNING and was way way better then Phantom, but sometimes the computer graphics start too look a little too cartoony, like when they were in that huge arena and fighting those 3 creatures. Also, I'm having trouble grasping the Characters as easily as I could for the originals. Like I said, it could just be my age and the movies I grew up with but the Rebel Base battle on Hoth with the Imperial Walkers has yet to be bested.
The originals were great because they were unique at the time being space movies, they had aliens looking like aliens (unlike Classic Trek's Klingons, etc) and they emulated things from car chases, sword fights, western movies, Japanese movies, gun fights and Laurel & Hardy movies, but in a sci-fi tone.
The newer ones are handicapped because too much emphasis is placed on the technical gadgetry and not enough on pure emotion. That and everyone knows how things turn out, so you haver to set up 3 movies with everyonee knowing the final results.
And Greedo should not shoot first! Damnit, it's just wrong, wrong, wrong.
Everyone knows how it turns out???!!!
Hey I never watched nor cared about Star Wars until I saw Episode 1!
And am now a big fan of Star Wars! :p :)
Empire Strikes Back. Though to be honest, I haven't actually seen Episodes 1 & 2.

Heh, and I like the Ewoks (or however the heck you spell it). :D
Episode 5, it's the best.

Especially when Luke gets his hand cut off. And the Hoth scene.

Episode 1 had worse stuff than Jar Jar. Like they completely ruined the mystery of the Force. It's judged by a blood test? What the hell was that?
There's an option missing: "I hate StarWars." I'd have chosen that one.
Wow, I'm impressed, I didn't know there was a man alive that could actually "Hate" Star Wars. What's there to hate? Especially with the 3 originals.
Originally posted by habilis
Wow, I'm impressed, I didn't know there was a man alive that could actually "Hate" Star Wars. What's there to hate? Especially with the 3 originals.

Let me start out by saying I HATE STAR WARS. It is childish and has about as much scientific fact as a day dream. Oh and about the three originals i have yet to say awake watching those 3 crappie movies.

To all you SW fans if you like it fine but don't think everyone else does.
Episode II has to be my favorite so far. :) But I haven't watched the older ones in forever.. *Dusts off the VHS tapes of the trilogy* :D

Oh, and habilis: The original was called "A New Hope." :)
I love all Star Wars movies and I cannot separate one from others... Still, because I had to vote one, I voted by luck the last one on the list :p

I cannot wait for Episode 3 :D
Just as I thought, Empire can't be beaten. It is the best one of course, you realize that don't you?

Although, the end battle sequence in Attack of the Clones is a very very close second.

Your will is mine, Jedi...
You forgot to say:
I'm your father!

Oh, those button help you to breath and stuff right? What is the button that calls your parents to pick you up when Obi and even your son Luke whoop your miserable Sith A$$ like there is no tomorrow? :rolleyes:

My will is yours, not! Command this... :p
I'm sure everyone here has seen Clerks and the Star Wars movie questions, especially if you're an independent contractor. :)