Zombie Microphone!!1!

Doctor X

Searched for this, but could not find an answer. There is a similar problem, apparently, with Skype.

As in signature, a MacBook (penryn) 2.4 Dual Core, 4 Gig RAM with now 10.5.6.

In 10.5.5 as well as in 10.5.6, the built-in internal mircophone will spontaneously slide to the right--loudest--when using Rosetta Stone. This makes it useless. One has to keep the System Preference open and keep an eye on the slider.


Or not use Skype and Rosetta Stone on the same time?

Oh I do not. I just noticed with "Google-Fu" that similar complaints existed with Skype. There is a "fix" but it involves altering the xml file for Skype in the Application Support file for Skype. None exists for Rosetta.

Does that also happen with QuickTime or iApps by any chance?

Not to my knowledge, but I do not do much recording.

"The specified thread [155] was not found."


Ah, actually addresses my question: my Google-Fu is weak!

Unfortunately, the "answer" seems to be "it is a problem" with finger pointing on both Apple and Rosetta's part.
