Zombie on loss to Broadband


Today I lost connection to the internet (cable modem) and my computer turned into a Zombie - launching apps took forever (System Preferences, Terminal, Roxio Toast) and some of the ones that where running stoped responding (Finder, iTunes, Photoshop 7)

This has happened before too...

I am behind a firewall/router on DHCP.

I thought about it for a moment and I slowly crawled to disable WeatherPop, take Time & Date off of Network Time Clock Sync (?) and rebooted (after I forced Preview to quit - it turned into a Zombie too!).

After reboot things seemed to be back to normal but I didn't try to do anything Internet related as my connection was still down before I left.

What's going on? Am I the only one or is this common?
I've had this problem before, but it seems to have gotten better in more recent updates. But it used to render my computer totally unusable when it happened.

Not sure what the cause is, but it still is a problem for some people.
This has been a problem on Apple's TCP/IP code since the Beta. It always happens to boxes that use dhcp on cable networks. I have experienced this to different degrees on my iMac all the way up to 10.1.2. I have not had this issue until just the other day (now running 10.1.4) when my cable compan y shut down the connection for repairs/upgrade. This disconnection from them actually caused a kernel crash when I tried to use my computer and quit the screensaver. It took me two re-boots to overcome the kernel crash. Everything seems to be running fine now.

Good Luck.:)
Just DHCP? If I plug a static private IP (192.168.1.x) into my Mac - would that stop it? Or would it be affected too?

I've only heard of this issue with DHCP. Reason has to do with the cable network releasing IP's over DHCP. When they renew your IP lease, OSX freezes up for some reason. A static IP should work fine with no issues. Now if you are behind a router other than the cable modem, I can't tell you. I have no problems behind my Work's router, but then again they use T1's and not Cable. I would say no. I use my iMac as a static router with natd and I have no problems that way. So if you can get your cable company to give you a working static IP, go for it.

Good Luck.:)