Recent content by andy_devs

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    bootup stalling at 'waiting for printing services'

    Thanks Satcomer, I'll give it a whirl.
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    bootup stalling at 'waiting for printing services'

    This is really getting on my nerves! I have tried deleting cache, repairing permissions etc, even installing a new OS on my old G4 running Panther. Does anyone know what causes this slowdown? Is it hardware related? I have also experienced the same problem on G5 Macs, 5 years old...
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    Firewall settings in OSX10.5.6

    thanks for your repsonses, guys I'll give the noobproof a go. My initial problems were caused by Suitcase Fusion which persisted with attempting to make connections thru the network despite having permissions set up to do so. The team at Extensis have acknowledged this is a problem with...
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    Firewall settings in OSX10.5.6

    Hi I am setting up a studio of 40 new Macs and can't find anything relating to setting up the Leopard firewall. All users will have Standard (mobile) accounts on Active Directory domains, and will be using the Adobe CS4/VMFusion with XP/Office 2007. If I have the firewall on 'Set access for...
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    cached credentials

    where can I find the pref that holds cached creds for osx accounts in Panther?? Also some of my Macs are not able to create mobile (AD accounts) unless a local account of the same name is created first. Weird. Anyone recommend a good utility or command line that will fix these probs, much...
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    SMB weirdness

    Thanks for your reply Giaguara! The Mac guys never had a problem when using AFP, now we've got messy permission problems under SMB. I haven't tried the terminal angle, although I can't see any of my guys going near that just to rename a few files. Would something like DAVE get round this problem??
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    SMB weirdness

    I have 10 Mac users on system 10.3.9 with read/write permissions on Windows 2K3 shares. Inside the shares there are number of nested folders that have been causing problems with the Mac guys. These are: 1) can't save MS Excel files 2) 'file in use' error when trying to move files between...
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    10.5.2 can't create mobile (AD) accounts

    that's really useful, thanks Satcomer. I'm glad I didn't upgrade all the production Macs to Leopard. Panther works fine despite it's age.
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    10.5.2 can't create mobile (AD) accounts

    Hi all I posted this question on the apple forum but got no response, I hope someone here can offer some help! I have a problem with 10.5.2 where i can't log in using my Active Directory domain name and password. I can set up my domain, and bind to it, in Directory Access. I can also...