Recent content by buffalolee

  1. B

    Technowarehouse: Upgrade iMac G3 to G4 500MHz

    When I used the G3 900MHz, OS X seems to run fine. I know that if you want to do anything beyond emails, word processing, and light photo editing, you should get a G4. My brother is happy with his iBook G3 even he wants the G4 because he doesn't do anything beyond web, email, and word...
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    Technowarehouse: Upgrade iMac G3 to G4 500MHz

    Heh, you are welcome. It was my brother's computer, and he gave it to me after he upgraded to an iBook 900 MHz. We switched between Mac OS9 and OSX because the lag was not nice. It seemed to take an extra amount of time doing normal stuff such as opening programs, and surfing the web. It...
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    Technowarehouse: Upgrade iMac G3 to G4 500MHz

    This is a post as a satisfied customer from Technowarehouse. They recently performed an upgrade with my Strawberry iMac from a G3 350MHz processor to a G4 500 MHz for $300. I can tell you it is worth the money because it makes your iMac entirely usable with...
  4. B

    iSync 1.1 breaks Palm conduit

    To sync with your Palm device, you have to go to the Conduit settings and make "DO NOTHING" the DEFAULT setting. It took me an hour to realize this.