Recent content by BuggyNSlow

  1. B


    If you see both "FreeAgent Daily Backup" and "FreeAgent Daily Backup 1" in /Volumes then at some point either your system believed that the volume was disconnected (whether it was or not) and it later reconnected with the new name -or- perhaps your system is loading more than one filesystem from...
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    Corrupt user account - Need to move mail

    Select the files after they are copied and Get Info from the File menu on the menu bar at the top of the screen to assign ownership and permissions. (Or do so from Terminal with the chown command to change the files' owner.)
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    The first time the volume was mounted, the system assigned it the name "FreeAgent Daily Backup". At some point, the device on which the volume resides was improperly disconnected and then reconnected. Because it was not properly disconnected, the folder "FreeAgent Daily Backup" still existed...
  4. B

    Reading Password protected files

    Do you mean that you don't have permission to access the files (access denied) or that the user account had FileVault enabled and thus the entire user directory is an encrypted disc image file (dmg)?
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    Converting VTS to Quicktime on Mac

    Video Title Sets or Video_TS as in the whole DVD video? In either case try Roxio's Toast or perhaps Apple's QuickTime MEG2 playback component which adds the ability to read/import MPEG2 files to any application which uses QuickTime for importing.
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    Remote Computer can't be pinged

    Am I getting this right? 1] Your client program running on your MacBook is able to connect to the private IP address of the iMac while your MacBook is connected to the same work network (when you are physically at work.) 2] You want to communicate from home to your iMac at work. 3] Your iMac...
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    find files by number of charecters in file name

    Easily done from the shell (in Terminal for instance, or with the AppleScript "do shell script" command.) find /Volumes/MyHardDrive -name '???????.pdf'
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    Hide TERMINAL on Startup

    An AppleScript using the "do shell script" command, followed by your shell command line. Save the script as an application with no window, then add it to the user's login items. The script will run and quit when finished.
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    Script to add app to open at login

    defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/loginwindow AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary -array-add '{Path = "/Applications/" ; }'
  10. B

    Execute .sh in GUI w/o chmod +x

    Set the execute bit, Get Info on the file and "Always Open With..." Terminal. Place the file within a new folder. Create a disk image from the folder (Disk Utility > File menu > New > Disk image from folder.) Both the execute bit and the choice of program with which to run the file will be...
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    Somewhat challenging copy job

    The free Stuffit Expander will expand multiple zip archives and the preferences allow selecting a single destination folder.