Recent content by cromag_rickmanus

  1. C

    Screensaver interrupted

    I appreciate your reply, I will try zapping PRAM. However, wouldn't the option to put hard disks to sleep kill the internet connection just as if you had put the computer to sleep manually? I would like to keep the internet connected. Thank you again!
  2. C

    Screensaver interrupted

    I have a problem that seems to be fairly recent with my screensaver not coming on when it's supposed to. The screensaver itself works fine when I put in on manually, so it seems something is either 1. triggering the mac out of screen saver mode or 2. not allowing it to go into screensaver mode...
  3. C

    Script to run scheduled restart of VNC Server?

    Yes, I think I read about this. The only problem is what I need is something to happen without my influence, something that restarts the VNC automatically based on a schedule. It looks like this requires me to actively restart via command line connection? Thank you for your quick reply!
  4. C

    Script to run scheduled restart of VNC Server?

    I have the VNC server turned on on my Mac G5 (Leopard), and can connect to it from my phone to make changes/email myself files I forgot, etc... The connection seems to fail on a pretty regular basis, which makes the connection locked out. When I'm not at my computer, this is pretty...
  5. C

    Temporarily disable one monitor for gaming

    I'm trying to play Soldier of fortune edition. I read somewhere that the game can conflict with the presence of two monitors and freeze My question is this: is it possible to disable the second monitor through the comptuer? i.e. not just plain unpluggin it. I've looked everywhere I can think...