Recent content by Emerrill

  1. E

    Server 10.4 - where is mysql .ini file?

    You want phpMyAdmin for the interface. Just download it, unpack it, and put it in /Lib/WebServer/Docs/. To edit the ini file, you need to use the terminal, or some gui that can run as root. From the terminal you can use 'sudo pico /etc/my.ini' -eric
  2. E

    Looking for NetBoot expert(s)

    I mean what are your questions
  3. E

    Server 10.4 - where is mysql .ini file?

    Yup. Just edit it and restart mysql -eric
  4. E

    Server 10.4 - where is mysql .ini file?

    I created the file, and the locate (locate .ini, locate .cnf) command indicates the file doesn't exist by default. Here is mine for example: [mysqld] socket=/tmp/mysql.sock #Use old password encryption method (needed for 4.0 and older clients). old_passwords
  5. E

    Looking for NetBoot expert(s)

    What are you looking for, more specifically? -eric
  6. E

    Server 10.4 - where is mysql .ini file?

    You need to create /etc/my.cnf -eric
  7. E

    New Computers wont DHCP

    Yeah, like i said, it goes to self assigned (169 block). Ill run ifconfig when i get back in. Ill also grab the dhcp log showing what the server is doing. thanks -eric
  8. E

    New Computers wont DHCP

    Our server has the unlimited client (but the limit only applies to AFP clients anyways). And it still doesnt work even if i move an old machines record over to the new mac address thanks -eric
  9. E

    New Computers wont DHCP

    I am the sysAdmin for a lab of macs. We have a 10.2 server that we use to DHCP/bootp/netinstall. We have it set up so that an address gets assigned based on mac address (bootp). It works fine on all of our computers, except the new G5 and G5 iMacs we got. They wont netboot or DHCP. I havent...
  10. E

    Adding GD to existing PHP

    I know what GD is, when i install the package, gd is not listed in phpinfo , and gd_info() is unrecognized.
  11. E

    Adding GD to existing PHP

    Ive tried that binary, and it says it supports GD, but when i installed it, it didnt recognize gd thanks
  12. E

    Adding GD to existing PHP

    Ive installed GD using fink, but I cant figure out how to get PHP to recognize it. Is there a way to change its configuration (to add --with=gd, or whatever) without downloading/recompiling it? Thanks
  13. E

    Can anyone recommend a UPS device for a Quicksilver G4 tower running Server 10.3?

    Ok. I tried it, and when the battery gets to its 'low' state, it appears to be shutting down the server, but for some reason it is restarting it (with restart after power failure enabled or disabled). So im going to toy around more, but right now the built in support appears flawed. But there...
  14. E

    Can anyone recommend a UPS device for a Quicksilver G4 tower running Server 10.3?

    Yes. Remeber that OS X server and OS X client are the same OS with a little added software. For that matter I dont know if this is supported by client (our server is running Server)