Recent content by Fox_Fire

  1. Fox_Fire

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Somones probably meantioned it by now, but There was a Powerbook G4 in Wedding Crashers
  2. Fox_Fire

    Problem downloading Audio and Video files

    Thanks for the advice, that seemed to work
  3. Fox_Fire

    Problem downloading Audio and Video files

    Nope, not the internal one anyway, the internal one is named "Macintosh HD"
  4. Fox_Fire

    Problem downloading Audio and Video files

    I have tried opera since then been able to get sound to download in that program properly
  5. Fox_Fire

    Problem downloading Audio and Video files

    I've tried downloading with firefox, saffari and shiira. I've also tried a couple of sites for dowloading sound files and none of them seem to be allowing me to download them correctly, sorry if I'm, not doing a very good job explaining the situation.
  6. Fox_Fire

    Problem downloading Audio and Video files

    Lately, when I have tried downloading video (avi) and wav files I have been experiencing problems getting them to save corectly (they either play in one second or nothing plays when I try to download them). Anyway I am a recently switched from windows to tiger (as a mass communication...