Recent content by Fragger

  1. Fragger

    launchd doesn't restart tunnel properly

    Hey all, My home computer is behind a brick wall so I need to reverse tunnel from it to my computer at work in order to have access from there. I load the plist into launchd with the "-S aqua" option to take advantage of ssh-agent running by default in Leopard, this allows me to use an...
  2. Fragger

    Leopard (10.5) Finder not responding

    I found out which files the Finder had loaded before its trip to the beach — turns out it was loading DivX codecs from /Library/QuickTime and also some other stuff from /Application\ Support/DivXNetworks/ I moved these files out of these locations using terminal (probably will have to sudo)...
  3. Fragger

    reverting from OS X server -> client

    Well I got sick of waiting, and for anybody who is interested it is entirely possible to remove everything from the mpkg manually (as root for your own sanity) without screwing over the system. This not something, however, I would ever recommend doing if you can avoid it.
  4. Fragger

    reverting from OS X server -> client

    Here's an interesting one: Is there any clean way to revert back to the client system onto which I added the additional applications/files from the included installer? I've considered using pacifist to find and kill what files it installed, but at the same time I get an uneasy feeling in my...
  5. Fragger

    Starting Terminal from CLI

    You are correct that would only open the first window, but the subsequent commands I gave you will open a new window for each time you run them. If you run do script "" as is, with nothing between the quotes, it will simply spawn a new window (ugly, yes.) Hopefully the helps, graham
  6. Fragger

    Severe security hole...

    Mac OS has always been confused with its filetypes/suffixes/creator codes/etc so it is not really surprising that a disguised shell script will be opened with minimal effort. Hopefully apple will come out with a patch soon, although the problem lies more with directory services (although i...
  7. Fragger

    Starting Terminal from CLI

    Jas, You can open terminal by running the command (not surprisingly): open /Applications/Utilities/ Your best bet: an apple script that contains the lines tell application "Terminal" do script "command" end tell where "command" is something...
  8. Fragger

    Unable to ssh from mac-to-mac

    So I chnaged my network settings to use the DNS servers of my ISP rather than just relying on the (unholy) linksys router... this knocked things back to the way they were before. If anybody has recommendations on a better router please let me know.
  9. Fragger

    Unable to ssh from mac-to-mac

    I've been having similar problems... ssh ceased functioning properly very suddlenly (this happened to correspond loosely with changing to a linksys wrt54g v5 router, which is a POS just for the sake of noting so.) My room mate is able to use putty to ssh to the same machine with no problems, so...
  10. Fragger

    launchd scheduled launch of cocoa app

    I loaded the plist file into the launchctl daemon started by my user, not the instance running as root. I'm guessing the problem has something to do with whether the task is hidden/backgrounded. Thanks for your suggestions though, I will probably end up using cron, but wanted to give launchd...
  11. Fragger

    launchd scheduled launch of cocoa app

    I've been trying to get launchd to automatically launch and kill my bitTorrent Client, with no results. I have tried calling both shell scripts and the application itself from within a plist I know was successfully loaded with launchctl. Here is the current plist, which calls the client...
  12. Fragger

    Safari Debug Menu...

    Hey all, I have an interesting remnant from a previous safari it would seem... what I'm talking about is the debug menu... now with some interesting options... namely "Use Transparent Window" which removes the drop shadow and makes the window transparent for an instant when pages are loading...
  13. Fragger word association!

  14. Fragger

    10.3.8 Keyboard issues...

    Afternoon, Something that has been bothering me lately, is that my system (2x2GHz g5) will spontaneously stop accepting alphanumeric input from my keyboard. Modifier key combinations still works (command tab for example) but actually trying to input into text boxes fails miserable. The problem...
  15. Fragger

    Batch renaming id3 tags...

    Well, I suppose you are right, I just have to suck it up and edit the ID3 tags msyelf.... I can only wish that there was some easier way :p thanks for the help though, graham