Recent content by good_adrian

  1. G

    iTunes for Windows XP

    Windoze media doesn't rip to mp3 it rips to M$'s own file format WMA
  2. G

    New Mac Clones Available?

    the whole goal of the iBox from CoreComputers is to make getting MacOS cheaper... be all means if MacOS ran on X86 hardware i would be running it on that... I live in Australia and Mac hardware costs way way way to much... if you want the standard powermac 1Ghz G4 is going to cost over $3,000...
  3. G

    Compiling Unix software

    Hey I'm currently a Windows user looking at switching my current OS to either Linux or Mac OS X... I'm currently learning to program and love open source...OpenSource is the best thing eva... linux/unixes distro's r bursting with it... thus my interest in Linux... So here's my question...
  4. G

    Panther (10.3) Rumor Screenshot Mockup

    i think apple will lose the plot of they went completly steel, i like steel mixed with white... its easier on the eyes...