Recent content by Guzz2k

  1. G

    Missing a number of crucial drivers...

    Yeah; 1.1. Clean install, too; no upgrading.
  2. G

    Missing a number of crucial drivers...

    Hi everybody; long time, no post. Anyways, due to work requiring a specific Windows-only program, I had to install XP on my MacBook. The installation went well and the program works, but I'm still missing nine different drivers, all for rather important things like internet connectivity and...
  3. G

    My Airport Express isn't so plug-and-play anymore...

    Hey guys. I just got Comcast cable service, but it either doesn't like my AEx or my AEx doesn't like it. It's not that there's no connection at all (if I run straight off the ethernet cable, it's no problem) but that no matter how many times I restart the modem (it's a telephony modem--does that...
  4. G

    Color laser printers and how they'll get me a job.

    Hey gang. I've gotta print my advertising portfolio to send out to potential employers, but the price quotes I've been getting are totally insane. Given how much it'd cost to print 20 12-page books, double sided and in color, it looks like I'd spend less money if I just bought my own printer and...
  5. G

    So about that Combo Drive and the DVDs and what not...

    In my vast collection of DVDs, I have ONE region 2 movie. It happens to be one of my favorites and I'd like to watch it occasionally, but I only have two more switches left on Apple's DVD player before it locks. Obviously, I have to keep it on region 1, otherwise all my other movies will be...
  6. G

    How do you make your own themes in iDVD?

    I figured out how to drag background pictures in and change the music, but I wanna keep that little preview window. The help file said to hold down the option key while you drag a new background into the well and you'd hold on to the preview window. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be working.
  7. G

    CD Problems --- icon missing (for example)

    I've had the same problem with my 1 ghz Powerbook. After trying absolutely everything between the Apple Store and the tech support numbers, I sent the thing back to Apple. I just got it back yesterday and guess what? Same problem!
  8. G

    Anyone having draw problems with Sim City 4?

    It's not that different from 3 in the larger sense. The main difference (besides the graphics) is that you can micromanage things and create a series of cities that live off each other. It's pretty fun; you create this huge city with all sorts of industry and then link quiet little suburbs and...
  9. G

    Anyone having draw problems with Sim City 4?

    Wow, the games board moves slow.... In any case, about SC4: anyone figured out how to use USGS data in the game?
  10. G

    Anyone having draw problems with Sim City 4?

    You know what? Forget about it. I called Aspyr's help line and they told me it was a one letter spelling error in a text file that was messing it up. They had me change that one character and now it's running like it's got a doctorate in smooveology.
  11. G

    Anyone having draw problems with Sim City 4?

    I'm running a 15" PowerBook G4 with a 1 GHz chip, 512 MB RAM and 24 gigs of free space on the HD. I'm not sure what 3D acceleration chip I have, but I think it's the NVidia GeForce.
  12. G

    Anyone having draw problems with Sim City 4?

    I've checked and rechecked all the system requirements for the game and I'm rockin' it, so I don't know why the game gets all messed up. For no apparent reason, blocks and lines of other parts of the city view show up and the next thing I know, I have a fragmented world with cars driving through...
  13. G

    Apple and the horse it rode in on can....

    Well, ok, I'll keep all of this in mind. But I'm happy to report that I brought the computer to a local Apple repair shop today and they solved the problem. According to them, it was the system giving me problems (which I had figured since, like I said, all that stuff worked on my iBook) and...
  14. G

    Apple and the horse it rode in on can....

    Sorry about that. I'm just going nuts with what's supposed to be a "true plug and play" computer and Apple Store people who talk a good game but either don't want to help or don't know how to. In any case, I'm running 10.2.6 on a G4 and I've already done two system reinstalls; one total...
  15. G

    Apple and the horse it rode in on can....

    I really liked my iBook. Everything worked just like it was supposed to, no questions asked. But my new PowerBook is crap. It refuses to recognize my external firewire HD until I unplug the HD and plug it back in again and likewise for my digital camera. Ninety percent of the time, it...