Recent content by konan

  1. K

    Retrieving Memory Information...

    This would be great, however it has to be built into my software package. The logic will go like this... if (ratio of (available physical ram) to (total physical ram) is too low) Print Message ("Your system is low on RAM so this program will not perform optimally). This should...
  2. K

    Retrieving Memory Information...

    I discovered that I can use the command "top -l 1" in terminal to retrive this information, but I am having trouble doing this directly in my app. I tried... InFile = popen("top -l 1", "r"); if (InFile) bytesRead = fread(streamBuffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(streamBuffer), InFile)...
  3. K

    Retrieving Memory Information...

    I would like my program to be able to access memory information such as available physical ram, memory load, etc. This information is only being used to inform the user when they are consuming too much RAM and their system performance will be affected. With windows, I call the function...
  4. K

    Send email from app with attachment (Carbon)

    Using the carbon API (or a command line system call), what is the easiest way for my application to bring up the default email client and create an email with an address, subject, body and a file attachment assigned to it? The user would then press the "send" button to complete the transaction...
  5. K

    Compression Dialog Box for Quicktime movies

    My app is creating a quicktime movie, and I need a standard dialog box that allows the user to select the codec, etc. However, I cannot find any sample code on Apple's web site that illustrates how to do this. All of the examples have hard coded the codec and compression settings :( Can...
  6. K

    mkfifo and codewarrior

    I was aftraid that the solution would be that drastic. I have since decided to use the Scrap Manager to achieve simple interapplication communication. Thank you for your answer. Note: I cannot find any BSD related headers in my Codewarrior installation. Do I have to download the separately...
  7. K

    Inspecting windows from other applications

    Please forgive me if this is a stupid question... Is there any way for my carbon application to visit each window open (from all applcations) and get some information on that window, like it's title, or it, position. For example for each window open { get title get window...
  8. K

    mkfifo and codewarrior

    The following code gives me the error that mkfifo is an undefined identifier. Searching the Codewarrior folder, I could find no file that contained the text mkfifo. Does anybody know how to use mkfifo with Codewarrior 8 Pro? #include <iostream> #include <types.h> #include <sys/stat.h>...
  9. K

    Multiple threads...

    This appears to be great. I may not have to do the separate forks after all, but this will definately help if I do. Thanx, Konan
  10. K

    DLL file name

    In carbon, how can I get the full name (or FSSpec) to the DLL which is calling the function. For example, in windows, my plug-in does this to get the path... HMODULE Module = GetModuleHandle( "MyPlugin.DLL" // address of module name to return handle for )...
  11. K

    Multiple threads...

    Thanx man. Now, what is the easiest method of communicating between forks? What would be simplest way of sending a block of data between forks? Konan
  12. K

    Multiple threads...

    I am converting an application I wrote into a plug-in for another application. I used GLUT (OpenGL utility toolkit) to make my application (the one being converted into a plug-in). In the windows version, I was able to simply create another thread, and run my program in that thread, which...
  13. K

    Locating an other application's window in carbon...

    How can I locate a window from another application based on it's title (must be able to detect partial title)? Once I locate the window, how can I change it's title? Is it indeed possible for one carbon application to do this to another's window? WindowRef GetWindowByPartialTitle(char...
  14. K

    How to make a document "Open With" my app

    Now, how would I do that automatically through my application? I would prefer that the user not have to do that manually. Any suggestions? Konan
  15. K

    How to make a document "Open With" my app

    I have a creator code and have added the following bit to rez file... #include "Types.r" type 'xxxx' { pstring; }; resource 'xxxx' (0, "Owner Resource") { "Software© 2003" }; resource 'BNDL' (128, purgeable) { 'xxxx', 0, { } }; where 'xxxx' denotes my creator...