Recent content by lanceo

  1. L

    LoginHook Script Problems

    Personally, I would have a separate login hook script that executed this script you've posted as the user logging in. When a user logs in, and you're wanting to grab their username within a bash script, you do so by taking the $1 variable. Here's my loginhook I run(not completely cleaned up...
  2. L

    cli softwareupdate

    2 Questions for the CLI under Jaguar When trying to use SoftwareUpdate, I can't seem to get tab completions to work on it, but tab completions do work for AppleSystemProfiler. second thing is, what happened to the man pages for softwareupdate? I can't seem to locate them.
  3. L

    remote hostname in terminal title bar?

    Henksmets, Do get this to work when logging into a remote server, you need to add that same prompt to the .cshrc or .tcshrc file in your home directory on that remote server. Then it will work.