Recent content by little_room

  1. L

    iPhone Tip

    I've been a user of The Filter for a while, but I've only just got an iPhone and was glad to see that I can fill my iPhone with tasty new playlists just like I could with my iPod. So - if anyone wants to automatically fill their iPhone with new playlists that auto-update when you resync just...
  2. L

    Create Playlist from an Manual Sync iPod

    You should use Senuti to get all the songs off the old iPod and then use The Filter to make it all into an amazing playlist. You can download The Filter for free from
  3. L

    Next piece of the media puzzle?

    The next piece of the media puzzle could well be a recommendations engine. Think about it. Your home entertainment system - Apple TV will have so many TV shows, Podcasts, Albums, Movies, animations, cookery programs (whatever) that you may not know what to watch/listen to/enjoy - a...
  4. L

    Turning iTunes into the ultimate entertainment system

    I've just put my G5 in my living room and want to go about turning it into the ultimate jukebox and media player. So far I've got my whole music collection on iTunes and use The Filter to create instant playlists ( ) This sorts out my general background music. I get...
  5. L

    Just switched over

    Nice new mac - fancy swapping for my 1 Ghz MacMini? Look how small and sweet it is...