Recent content by Mac Osxtopus

  1. M

    Error in Learning Carbon Book?

    Carbon is the only "real" language for big games (Warcraft III in cocoa would lag on an innumerable scale) and i can't find any information on how to do the GUI/Graphics/ other stuff for games in Carbon :( . Please if you have any help on that (OTHER THAN THE APPLE DEV SITE, it's useless :( ) I...
  2. M

    Error in Learning Carbon Book?

    ok, no one even responded T_T Well, i found out i was using the wrong button type, but regardless I'm surprised no one replied with ANYTHING. :(
  3. M

    argh~i hate playing WC3 for Mac

    I have a (blue?) imac that came out mabye about a few months after the generic turquoise ones(you know, the ones where Apple stupidly labeled it "blueberry"). I updated to mac os x 10.1, and I'm not even CONSIDERING buying jaguar, thats just apple after your money. Anyways, i have: Mac OS X...
  4. M

    Error in Learning Carbon Book?

    I was struggling to grasp the aspect of carbon programming in the GUI using interface builder(i don't know the raw-code way yet, and don't correct me on that stance with technicalities please :D ), and I got to the point where the "moon travel planner" can calculate all the different modes of...
  5. M

    file streams...

    It's the error in the program if the file isn't found, you know, the "error, the file couldn't be found" part. I use apple's dev tool, Project Builder.
  6. M

    file streams...

    YES, all the file paths SHOULD be correct... but for some reason it gives an error message, it has to do with something else... ...unfortunately, i'm going to fail this class, damn mr. donaker :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :( :mad: because this is just ridiculous, ive literally spent 3/4 OF...
  7. M


    i dont use terminal gcc, i use the next-best-imitation of it(Well, actually a connector to it), Projectbuilder. It comes with the dev tools CD, its basically gcc without all that infuriating typing, the program does it for you. project builder is basically gcc with an interface.
  8. M

    file streams...

    yarrgh i just cant seem to figure otu whats wrong, it'll either give an error that it cant find the file before.txt or it just makes an empty after.txt file!! //due to lots of hw, i didn't bother doing any of the tag stuff to make the alligators be ignored. If you'd like the assignment...
  9. M

    file streams...

    i did remove it... it still doesnt work :( the after.txt file is completely empty. What the program is supposed to do is remove whitepsace characters at the beginning of lines and replace the first whitespace character with an integer value. Heres an example: //Before whats its supposed to...
  10. M

    file streams...

    Im sure all you bordlanders have seen this program, but i cant get it to dang work. Have a look: (no syntax errors reported, it compiles fine , but the output file is empty. including header files is fine, tthe forum just doesnt like alligators.) #include <iostream.h> #include...
  11. M

    Just Barely Past Conio.....

    it IS a file for dos, hence windows core IS DOS(or Ms-Dos, its all the same to me..) anyways, curses.h is the supposed mac os x/unix equivalent.
  12. M

    Just Barely Past Conio.....

    ARGHH!!! STUPID CONIO.H!!! Why is it so (censored)ing hard to get help on something so simple as ascii animation!?! I'm almost on a major breakthrough with curses.h, but when i compile nothing i did shows. Someone told me to link something called termcap with curses, but i dont know how to do...
  13. M

    To All Newbies/learning People Of C++...

    there's a book supplied with teh dev tools? where? all i saw were these updates log and this crap about cocoa that explained what it was.
  14. M

    To All Newbies/learning People Of C++...

    i WOULD work with you on java, but you would mostly be doing the teaching ;) and thats because i know so little, i barely even remember how to do the java equivalent of cout (system.outPrintln("Hello, World!");?)
  15. M

    To All Newbies/learning People Of C++...

    Would you all like to join me and make games as we learn C++? reply if interested.