Recent content by MacMarshall

  1. M

    Next Macs?

    I thought that what killed Moto in the CPU market was when Apple decided to move from CISC to RISC in 1993, which killed Moto's 68050 processor. Intel since proved that CISC is scalable after all. But maybe you have more details than that.
  2. M

    M$ Wants to buy Google No Jokes...

    MS doesn't make a better anything. They copy a product and make it 80% as good, then market the hell out of it and coerce their customers to buy and accept it. Or they give it away until their competition is dead, then they sell it. For example, I spoke with an IT guy from a major HMO...
  3. M


    But that is *SUCH* a cool feature. Last week, my friend asked me to show him how to connect a digital camera and a camcorder to his "new" Pismo PowerBook. He brought it over, I plugged the cameras in, and they worked just like that! We didn't have to connect to the Internet, download drivers...
  4. M

    Apple CPUs falling below Intel in power

    D Flett, I've got to admit, you make a great point. But I would like to ask you one thing - Does this speed difference matter in your work? I can see that a 9 second startup is way better than a 43 second startup, but you probably only do that a few times a day. In the general operation of...
  5. M

    PowerBook 15.4", when? Can't wait...

    There is one other option: The 12" PowerBooks can support external monitors up to 1600 x 1200. You can continue to use the 1024x768 LCD as well, so in your office, you can get plenty of real estate.
  6. M

    The Apple Store refub area cleared...

    They may have found a reseller who agreed to take on the inventory and move it out. They might have decided that selling the merchandise directly was reducing sales of brand-new hardware, whereas a reseller is likely to attract customers who otherwise wouldn't buy.
  7. M

    Apple CPUs falling below Intel in power

    I agree, Apple *does* need faster CPU's, and I'm sure somebody in Cupertino is thinking of that. It's just that, for most desktop computing, a 500 MHz CPU is just as good as a 3 GHz CPU. Yes, video editing and games are exceptions, but that's about it. For example, if I managed an office of...
  8. M

    Apple CPUs falling below Intel in power

    I think that even mighty Intel is stuck right now because they're making super-fast processors, and there is very little software to take advantage of them. I've been a "power user" for over a decade, but my 366 MHz PC is fine for me, apart from an occasional video game. But last weekend I...
  9. M

    PowerBook 15.4", when? Can't wait...

    The salesman at the Apple Store told me that wireless reception was much better on the plastic iBook than on the metal PowerBooks. He said the metal causes interference. Is this true?
  10. M

    No Pico? No Man? WTF?

    OH MY GAWD! I can't believe how long my entire company has gone without knowing that.
  11. M

    30 inch cinema display?

    Think they'll use it in a laptop? :p
  12. M

    No Pico? No Man? WTF?

    I don't have a Mac yet, but your problem may be that the configuration for the super user account is different than the config for administrator. These configs are loaded using files named .login and .tcsrc (names may vary on the Mac). On the systems I've worked on, the superuser's paths are...
  13. M

    Great PERL book.

    O'Reilly publishes the "canonical" Perl books: "Programming Perl" and the "Perl Cookbook". These books are written/blessed by Larry Wall, the inventor of Perl. I've started on another book, "Object Oriented Perl," by Damian Conway. When your Perl apps start to get big, (maybe 500 lines)...
  14. M

    PERL: Determine if a folder/file exists?

    Give this a try -- if (-e $folder) { &install; } else { &create_folder; &install; } But it's better written like this (TMTOWTDI): unless (-e $folder) {&create_folder} &install;
  15. M

    [HOWTO] - Installing OpenSSL and the SSL perl module

    Yoshi, I haven't bought an OS X Mac yet, but I have written Perl apps under UNIX. The way you're installing the SSL library is fine, but it does have a major limitation: Portability. Here's the problem you can have: Somebody develops a big Perl app, tests the daylights out of it, installs...