Recent content by MrDoctorJones

  1. M

    For 2008, I wish that Apple...

    Answers regarding "shake" next outing or if you prefer "next gen" version of, what ever it is called just let us know it is happening or not!!!!!!!
  2. M

    For 2008, I wish that Apple...

    Some news as to what they are doing with Shake????? ASAP
  3. M

    Live editable paths in title bar

    Hey Now thats cool if we want to navigate with in the Terminal, but to do this you would need to be in that directory in GUI, however we are looking for a throw back to SGI Irix this was a standard in this OS. I was thinking about the "Go To Folder" this would be cool but when you bring it...
  4. M

    Live editable paths in title bar

    Hey all Ok I have used the below terminal command to display the the full path in the title Bar defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES then killall Finder But what I want to do now is be able to edit this path in the title bar to navigate. Is there a...