Recent content by Neal Colingham

  1. N

    ATA 133 card in G4

    That was it, the HD was not highlighted in the preferences. Thank You very much Neal :D
  2. N

    ATA 133 card in G4

    On a different note since switching both drives to the ATA card when I reboot I get a alnernating blinking folder/question mark and Mac OS Face this lasts for about 5 seconds then the computer displays the Apple and restarts. Are you seeing this behavoir ?
  3. N

    OWC Firewire enclosure

    I just got an OWC Firewire case for my old 60 gig IBM drive out of my G4. I have to say that I am impressed with the case and it seems to work great. Neal
  4. N

    ATA 133 card in G4

    Thanks for the replys, I don't notice a slowdown, tonight I think I will connect the 80 to the System board and just have the 200 on the ATA card. I will make a note if I think there is a speed increase/decrease and post the results. Neal
  5. N

    ATA 133 card in G4

    This weekend I installed a 133 ATA PCI card in my G4 (Digitl Audio) to support my new 200 gig drive. I have my 80 as master and the 200 as slave and both are connected to the new board. This config works fine but when I run System Profiler it shows both drives as SCSI drives does anyone know if...
  6. N

    iTunes file association problem

    My son fixed the problem but he did it so fast that I will post an update when I understand the steps. I had called Apple today (for free Panther still under warranty) and the tech said I was the 2'nd person in 2 days to have this problem she says she thinks it's a Panther bug.
  7. N

    iTunes file association problem

    I just swapped out my 60gig drive with an 80gid and reinstalled panther I used CCC too clone the drive and then reinstalled with an archive. System runs fine but all 16gigs of iTunes songs are not found so I have to go through each song and redirect iTunes as to where the song resides. The...
  8. N

    Hardrive Swap and Panther install

    Thanks, looks like I would not make a good detective. Mac users ROCK !.
  9. N

    Help! Forced to move to PC

    Move2mac will not help your situation
  10. N

    Help! Forced to move to PC

    You are going to have to email all your saved messages to your self and then reopen them in the PC mail client, I suppose Outlook. You might be able to copy your bookmarks to a floppy (your Mac can write to a PC formatted floppy), then you can try to import them in your new browser. Good luck...
  11. N

    Hardrive Swap and Panther install

    Bobw, are you sure ?, I have been in that case a few times and I don't remember seeing anymore than the two power plugs on the ribbon cable Neal
  12. N

    garageBand - hard disk too slow??

    Just tried Reflections from my 7200 RM 80 gig IBM Deskstar, still to slow I expect a fix from Apple soon, this is unusable.
  13. N

    garageBand - hard disk too slow??

    I have the 60 gig drive that came with my G4 and I get the same message when I try to play Reflections.
  14. N


    I was working from home today on my blazing Dell Optiplex GX1 (350 mhz) running XP so I popped in my Knoppix demo disk I got from the Linux/VM guy at work and rebooted. This creates a Debian Linux environment with the KDE graphical desktop and runs off the CD so nothing is installed. I cruised...
  15. N

    Hardrive Swap and Panther install

    Arden, the 80 is internal but the project has just taken a right turn. I was notified on one of the other forums that my G4 is an ATA/66 which has a limit of 137 gig so to take advantage of the full 200 gig I need an ATA/133 card. I just ordered one from OWC and also a Firewire case. So know I...