Recent content by rAph

  1. R


    sweet...I took the hit. Acutally I got a good deal: $160 on ebay. It's nice having peace of mind.
  2. R


    Is the price of the Apple Care (student price) in any way negotiable? Does the warranty cover just about anything? I have a MacBook Pro, and am concerned about the heat and the whining noise, could I ask for a replacment notebook when (if) they fix these issues? Or would they not accept that...
  3. R

    Tiger Size

    Well the 6GB VM size is right after a restart, with no apps/windows open/opened. I went to /private/var/vm and the swapfile0 is only 64MB big. Is this the swap file Activity Monitor claims is 6GB big?
  4. R

    Page ins/outs

    What are page ins/outs? Is that when it writes to the VM file? My page ins is really high (60,000 or so), but the outs is at 0. Is this normal? What's the difference between the two?
  5. R

    Tiger Size

    I just noticed that the VM size is 6GB right after a restart! That would explain why so much HD space is already used up. 10GB for OSX installation with all the programs it comes with (iLife etc...I guess that's acceptable) and probably 10GB or so for a page file after a few hours of uptime. Is...
  6. R

    Tiger Size

    I just bought my first Mac...the MacBook Pro. I have it dual booted (boot camp) with Windows, but I think OSX is great. However, I'm surprised at how much space is already taken up on my Macintosh HD. I've had the computer for a few days, and already 30GB are taken up! I have Parallels...
  7. R

    Online Calendar

    Is there a good piece of software that allows you to keep a Calendar and have it sync between the Internet and the software you are running? I don't want to pay $100 for a .mac account just for this feature in iCal. Currently, I use Yahoo Calendar, but it would be nice to have a front end...