Recent content by Snark

  1. S

    Did Apple just kill modern TV?

    The VCR was supposed to kill TV. I think were just going to redefine what we consider TV. Whether you download your shows to your ipod, laptop, or whatever, you're still watching a TV show. TV shows filled with lots of subliminal adverts and product placement.
  2. S


    unless you dont have diskspace, just copy the entiretyof your library, youll have two copies, but you can organise your itunes by date-added and manually remove the files yourself.
  3. S

    Printing a single image over multiple pages

    Thankyou, Señor. You merit a truckfull of hugs.
  4. S

    Printing a single image over multiple pages

    I would like to use photoshop or preview to print a single very large image (a few feet wide) over multiple pages (say, a dozen or so). Id like to grid these pages up into a single mural after theyve all been printed. Its possible I am a total tard and missing something very simple, but then...
  5. S

    [HOWTO] - Kill the Dock without hacks

    Im still not sure WHY somoene would dislike it. Does it get in the way or something?
  6. S

    'Strange' thoughts about Halo

    Just look up .dmg on limewire. Its lot easier to get a real working disk image of a game for mac. (I'm not endorsing this, I'm just describing this phenomena) Does anyone know if the pirating rate for that game was particularly different form other mac games? Its also alot harder to find...
  7. S

    Fanatical users? Try fanatical engineers!

    I would actually use graphing calculator all the time (if its the one im thinking of) I wish there was one in osX
  8. S

    Restoring/updating music backups

    If your itunes folder is organised you wont be able to just add your new music to you fwhd if youve added albums to your pre-existing artists. Ive had a similar problem, but my firewire hd had an application to synchronise folders like that. Silver....(something) was the name.
  9. S

    Fanatical users? Try fanatical engineers!

    HAHA WHAT A BUNCH OF NEEERDS im gonna go play final fantasy for the rest of the day now. :rolleyes:
  10. S

    Awful wifi reception on ibook

    Securely atached it was, But I unhooked it, pulled it out, put it back in. And reception has improved. thanks, this was weird.
  11. S

    Awful wifi reception on ibook

    The wifi on my brand new ibook is really lame. Its a linksys hotspot and may parents older ibooks using gen.b cards receive great reception. What could be wrong? I mean, im just outside the room with the damned transmitter in it and I have 1 bar!!
  12. S

    Diablo2 running slow during mass battles

    OSx compatability seems to suck a bit for this game. Software rendering is the way to go. I remember using open gl and every sprite in the gamebecoming a random sprite which changed every .1 seconds or so. Thats every part of the damned characters' bodies flickering between absolutely random...
  13. S

    Null with cat-5

    I wanna patch directly into my friends pc over our ethernet ports. Ive tried and never been able to get this to work. Help me. ::sleepy:: <btw is he screaming? cuz i am :D
  14. S

    Crazy gray-screen 'firmware' boot

    absolutely nothing... not abnormally hot... it just panicked on me then died for a couple minutes. I was working on battery which was full.