Search results

  1. AfterShock6783

    Dumb Move - Net Startup...

    So I've been struggling to get yaboot working on my G5 after I've already installed Fiesty Fawn and Tiger. in a stupid/experimental move I threw the Startup disk into "Network Startup" just to see what happens. wwll, I have nothing on the network to startup with so I just keep getting the...
  2. AfterShock6783

    Wireless Card - will it work?

    I'm sure the answer is "no", but if ANYONE knows how to get stuff to work, it's you guys. My friend bought a wireless card for his girlfriend for Christmas.For some reason it just didn't like her computer. It liked other ones, slower ones, newer one, and older ones... just not hers. She has a...
  3. AfterShock6783

    Automator, AppleScript & some services

    I'm not quite sure if this belongs here or in the general Mac OSX section, but since It does have to do with AppleScript and programming, I figured this would be the best place for it. So I'm working in IT and we just got a mini here. I called Apple and they said that there is no way to make...
  4. AfterShock6783

    Mail-Server? How?

    Someone once told me how to do this a LONG time ago, but I have since lost the email... I was wondering how to set up OSX to accept it's own wail. as in - Make it my own Email Server. I currently run a webserver on it and i have a PHP script that allows a form that is filled out to be...
  5. AfterShock6783

    iSight & GarageBand

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a work-around for a problem I kinda have... I have a band here at college. Just me and 4 otehr friends. We've used my G5 along with GarageBand to record a few things (they still need some touching up). problem is, I can record the Guitar and Bass right here...
  6. AfterShock6783

    OS 9 + iTunes = FileNotFound

    So I assume Apple stopped supporting the OS 9 version of iTunes when they came out with the iTMS, which is pretty crappy for a lot of my friends that can only run the latest version of 9(.2.2?) But Does anyone know where I can find a DL for the "latest version of iTunes for OS 9?? I spent an...
  7. AfterShock6783

    Alternate pointer Control?

    I was wondering if anybody knew of a control panel or ANYTHING that aollows the arrow pointer to be controlled by a USB Game Controller rather than by the mouse. If anyone knows of one (Free, Shareware OR Comercial Purchase) please let me know. I need this alternate way to controll through my...