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  1. S

    Annoying Stickies problem

    Hi all, I greatly appreacieate this site. It's a great resource for Mac users. Stickies questions: I just figured out how to have Stickies startup at boot-time using System Preferences. This works. My four stickies show up after each reboot. However, I have two minor issues. One, a...
  2. S

    Home Recording

    I'm looking for versatile home recording software. On the PC I have been using Adobe Audition for a couple of years. It's great at dealing with loops and audio editing. Basically, I'm looking for software that is a few "steps up" from Garage Band. What is the recording software most...
  3. S


    I've been using a strict hosts file on Unix machines for years as a cheap and safe way to block adds. Here is an example of what I'm talking about... Os X has an /etc/hosts file... But I have a suspicion that I probably shouldn't muck with that. Whats...