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  1. M

    Cataloging Disc

    I used to have a nifty program called FindIt from Iomega.. it quickly allowed me to make a searchable catalog of all my backup CD's. That was on OS9, I'm using Jaguar now and wanted to update to a Carbon app. I found this one app called AutoCat which seems to make disc images of just the...
  2. M

    IE 6 for Jaguar?

    Anyone know when IE 6 will be ready for OSX.2? Its the last thing I'm waiting for before I make the switch. Or, is IE 5 in Jaguar better than it was previously? And please don't ask me to use Omni Web or Netscrap :)
  3. M

    dragging a doc to app icon

    Anyone know why dragging a Classic document to a Classic app icon in the doc will open the app but not the doc? max.
  4. M

    MacOSX and Flash5 in Browsers...

    Why is Flash5 Web sites so much slower on MacOS X and it's current browsers than it is in OS9 browsers? That's pretty backwards if you asked me.
  5. M

    Wacom and Mac OSX

    All the artist and designers I know use a Wacom tablet as their primary input device. It replaces the mouse. There's not a chance in hell I'll switch to OSX until they get my tablet to work with it. Does anyone have any news on this? Wacom missed their original release date for the new...
  6. M

    Printing with GCC printers...

    I have an Elite XL 20/1200 GCC laser printer (www.gcctech). They claim it works with OS 9.1 and OSX but I am still completely unsuccessful printing anything under classic applications. Believe me, I've tried everything to get it to work. I've been back and forth with tech support and have given...
  7. M

    Apple Retail Stores...

    I just heard that Apple is opening retail stores all over the world... the first two in NY and CA. This is great news to me because I'm sick of haggling with people who really want to sale me a Windows machine.
  8. M

    All Adobe Apps. under OSX suck.

    Just a little note to those who think they can use Adobe applications with OSX, think again! Just wait for them to go native X cause right now they crash hard. Although it's fun to force quit them without crashing OSX. :) max.
  9. M

    No undo for the dock?!?

    Has anyone accidentally dropped a huge group of something into the dock? I was happily pulling my images to the Preview application when I missed and let go... to my horror all the images.. about 20 of them fell into the doc and quickly filled it. I was quite angry to realize I couldn't...