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  1. aisikl

    ftpd, ftpchroot and firewall

    hello -- i have a couple of problems that i can't seem to find a solutions to -- i have a machine set up here as ftp server -- only a couple of user that are limited through ftpchroot -- in 10.2.3, however, my setup no longer works. here are the symptoms: 1. when i don't use ftpchroot and...
  2. aisikl

    iDVD & Office vX permission issue

    hello please forgive me if this has been posted before. I did check the archives but couldn't find anything similar. Here it goes: I run a network of G4s in a school. I recently upgraded every machine to OS X (Client). Every machine has (naturally) one admin account and all the students...
  3. aisikl

    ftp on different port

    after my last post i've been doing some tests and i really have the impression that ftp is not secure under macosx at all. I know as well that ftp is basically never secure on any system, but still. Can someone tell me if the following things are possible: 1. to disable ftp-access through a...
  4. aisikl

    security hole?

    hello there ever since i'm using Macosx, i've been ssh-ing in my home comp from work (i work in networking and it's very usefull to have a workstation in another domain to do tests from) -- anyway: i made sure that the connection is secure because a lot of classified data is going thru the...