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  1. N

    Recommendation for a user friendly Download Manager

    On my PC, DAP seems to be an easy to use Download Manager. Maybe, I'm doing something wrong on the Powerbook G4 running OS X but the DAP free trial doesn't seem as user-friendly. Is there a download manager or two that seems more MAC friendly ? Thank you for your time. Sam Nikon_Warrior
  2. N

    Is there a system on the MAC clones ?

    I suffer from MACitis. When I was in the Air Force, all the publishers, printers and photo labs in the late 70s through the mid 90s, had, used and worshipped their MACs. Thus, when I got the chance to buy a MAC -- I did. Now, I search out old MACs to learn about them. At a flea market...
  3. N

    How to Install AOL on MAC OS 9.1 and 9.2

    Greetings, I'm new to MAC. I recently purchased a Power Macintosh Power PC 6500/225 with MAC OS 9.1 and a Power Macintosh beige G3 pizza box desktop with MAC OS 9.2. I'm not fond of AOL, but, it's the most conveinent ISP in my area. I have numerous AOL install CDs. I;ve tried to install AOL...