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  1. L

    Dumb Address Book Question

    This is seriously the stupidest question I've ever asked but it's driving me nuts: In Apple's Address Book when you edit a user's profile there's a space at the top right where a picture can be placed. It then appears on the person's "card", (told you this was stupid, but stay with me)...
  2. L

    ibook (dual USB) display problems

    I received my iBook (600/dual USB/combo/12.1) this week and immediately upon turning it on I noticed the display was unevenly lit. It goes from dark at the top to light at the bottom, no matter what angle I look at it. The colors are washed out (no contrast control!) and don't improve no matter...
  3. L

    iBook Display

    I received my iBook (600/dual USB/combo/12.1) this week and immediately upon turning it on I noticed the display was unevenly lit. It goes from dark at the top to light at the bottom, no matter what angle I look at it. The colors are washed out (no contrast control!) and don't improve no matter...