Search results

  1. K

    Terminal font

    I'm looking for a good font for the Terminal app. I don't think Monaco or any of the other fonts Apple provides are good enough. I'm looking for a font like the "Terminal"-font that is just in i.e. Yellow Dog Linux' command line/terminal by default. Does anyone know where I can get that font...
  2. K

    Annyoing renaming, also in Jaguar?

    Ok, there's something in OSX that drives me mad. When I want to rename a file, I click on it and expect the blinking cursor to show up. It does, after at least two clicks. The problem is that it often dissapears at once, so I have to click at least two more times. This is extremely annoying if...
  3. K

    DivX problems

    I'v got a DivX movie which I'd like to see. The movie thinks it's an .avi movie, which is ok (I suppose). This of course, makes QucikTime think it's a QT file. I have tried several DivX-players, but none works correctly and now I'm starting to believe there's something wrone with the file...
  4. K

    Subscribing to threads

    When I participate in a thread, I'd like to see when someone has replied. I therefor click at the "subscribe to this thread"-button. Then I can easily access the threads from my user cp. - But at the same time, my mailbox gets filled up, which is not very nice. Is it possible to only subscribe...
  5. K

    Some Java Questions

    I have some Java questions which I hope someone can answere. :) 1: I have two windows (so far) in my program, and they are in the same folder (package). I was thinking of moving one of them into another folder. Let's say I did that, and got these folders: MyProgram/Window and MyProgram/Color...
  6. K

    Java and main thread error

    I'm wrinting a very simple Java Application for my Mac OS X with Swing. The compilation goes well, but I can't run it, due to an error. I can't seem to figure it out, and it's drivin me.. :mad: This is the error I keep getting: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. I...
  7. K

    Anyone else?

    This is totally beside everything related to computers, but I thought I'd post it anyway.. Does anyone else here love biking? I'm not talking about mototbikes, but "regular" bikes. I saw that Tormente had a bike, linked from the "Picture Of Your Setup"-thread (here). So at least there's one...
  8. K

    small program-review: PPP Genie

    I accidently came across a great program called PPP Genie. It's a small, simple, Cocoa-built program which displays your online-time in the menubar or in a separate window. It may not sound fantastic, - but it is. PPP Genie also displays your in and out flow of packages (check out the...
  9. K

    Terminal Scripts

    I've been looking for some simple Terminal scripts on the net, but I haven't found any particular useful (not yeat at least). Is there anyone here who could you post some example scripts or give me some links? I'm reading a book about the subject now, so what I need is not a tutorial, but simple...
  10. K


    I downloaded a package of really cool icons from the iconfactory today (called iPlatinum btw). I copied and pasted some of them as my hard drive icons. But two strange things occured: 1: The icons dissapeard until I logget out or re-started the Finder. 2: When I logged in as another user the...
  11. K

    Strange resolution problem

    I re-installed OS X, all the way from 10.1 to 10.1.4. During the 10.1.2 installation a strange error occured at the very end. It could not find a file or something, but no name or error was actually listed. I had to force a restart, and I was prepared to install it again, but installing 10.1.3...
  12. K


    ...Lemmings? Anyone else remember this fascinating game? I remember I used to play it a lot early in the nineties on my neighbour's PC. I located a version for Mac, download and played. I know it's a game for kids, that the graphics isn't all that fantastic and that it only runs in a bad...
  13. K

    iPod or MiniDisc?

    After houres of everyday use for about one and a half year my MiniDisc had started to become a bit.. tired. (So much for that quality!) So I have been thinking of an mp3 player instead, - like iPod. It just sounds great. 10GB of disc space. Houres of music. And it's like an extra hard drive...
  14. K

    Hard drives and partitions

    It has occured to me that it would be better to have two partitions, one for OS X and one for OS 9, than just one for both. (Yeah.... maybe I should have thought about that before... :)) Anyway. How big should these partitions be if you have a 40GB hard drive? Would this be ok? 2 GB OS 9...
  15. K

    MacGIMP, XFree86 and XDarwin

    I tried to install MacGIMP here the other day, but it didn't seem to work. Searching this forum for some help, I discouvered that other people have had the same problems as I. Though I couldn't find the answers to all my questions. MacGIMP, and appearantly XDarwin got innstalled. I can run the...
  16. K

    Floppy in OS X

    Hi, Why Apple doesn't ship their newest machines with Floppy Discs is totally undertandable. But some of us still needs to use them... The Floppy Discs work fine in OS X, - as long as they are Mac-formatted. Why is this? In the older systems you where able to read files that where located...
  17. K

    root and users (once again)

    You're probably tired of the endless questions about root.. But I've got one more.. I have read several post about root and how and why you shouldn't enable it. And I've got the point; security. But let's say you enabled root, and logged in a couple of times. Later you decided to login as...
  18. K

    Names and users

    I have a small problem. How can you change a users shortname? The name is easily changeable, but the shortname isn't. Pretty logical, I know, but how to change it without messing up the system too much? And another thing. I read that you shouldn't log in as root, due to the security. But...