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  1. B

    Backup strategy and guidance?

  2. B

    Photoshop preview icons suddenly go back to"generic"?

    Yes, now in all my finder windows, randomly mind you, as not all PS file icons went to that faceless (graphic) green shaded generic icon of Photoshop CS ??? It's rather annoying when looking through files. Double click in the finder (list) and they all show the proper larger thumbnail...
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    G5 configuration advice on HD's....

    I'll be purchasing a G5 when the new models are "supposed" to be announced in Jan. I'm an illustrator and will need plenty of HD space, and storage... I don't really understand the thinking behind putting a bunch of storage drives inside the tower ( unless I can be convinced otherwise...
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    G5 next generation schedule?....

    Anybody heard or have an educated guess on when the next generation of G5's will hit the street. Looking to buy at the turn of the year and hoping the "new ones" hit then? Thanks, T i m
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    Back up strategy and guidance???...

    I've never used an external HD in my life, and my "backup" experience is limited to burning CD's. My career has become my G4 as I switched to producing illustrations digitally w/ Painter 7 instead of traditional mediums. So my main back up needs are large graphic files ( 10 to 45 MB...
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    Backup strategy and guidance?

    I've never used an external HD in my life, and my "backup" experience is limited to burning CD's. My career has become my G4 as I switched to producing illustrations digitally w/ Painter 7 instead of traditional mediums. So my main back up needs are large graphic files ( 10 to 45 MB, usually...
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    iMac will not go online after thunderstorm? Help!!!

    Got a grape iMac (266 mhz, no airport card) that has our DSL line coming into it. It is directly "ethernetted" to the airport. The airport is sending signals fine to my airport card G4. I get the web and e-mail no problems. BUT, ever since the thunderstorm, the iMac (running OS X.1.5) will...
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    ATI Radeon 8500 causing the shakes???

    Hi Folks, Finally got my upgrade ATI Radeon 8500 video card yesterday. I'm totally being spoiled by all the desktop space w/ 2 large monitors going -- very cool. But......there's always a "but", eh?...... The Wacom wireless mouse operates just as normal, the pen, on the other hand, on my...
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    Adding additional display. HELP!!!

    I've got a a Sony 24 incher monitor coming. I'm currently using a 19" Sony G420 on my Quicksilver G4, 733 mhz, plugged into the VGA port. I'm clueless on how to add the 24" and keeping the 19" on the system as well? I know this might (or probably?) involve changing out/or adding (?) the...
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    Kernel Panic update

    Hi, After a 2nd level Apple tech's advice to "initialize"(of course a few files were forgotten to be backed up Arrrgh!)due to my never ending "B tree" problems that neither Norton has permanently fixed (6 and 7), Disk First Aid, or the "fsck -y". Btw, let's review -- my "problems" are really...
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    Best OS X "how to and troubleshooting" book recommendations...

    ....Please? There's quite few out there. Advice much appreciated. Thanks, Birdman
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    Norton's Utilities "greatest hits" ???

    Early problems have seemed to been ironed out on my G4 733 mhz Quicksilver ( 850+ ram, Intuos 2 tablet, CanoScan N670U, Epson Stylus 740 printer.Software mostly used is Painter 7.) Since then my only "problem" seems to be when I ask the machine to restart or shutdown ,sporadically, I will get...
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    Pinter 7 is oddly slowing down on my G4, AFTER a file is open awhile....

    ....I'm using painter 7 in OS X (10.1.3),850 + RAM on a 733mhz Quicksilver G4.... OS X operates behind the scenes in it's memory consumption usage, right? Lately (last couple of weeks -- been "painting" w/ it since Jan. 2002 when I got the G4), after a while of an image file being open, an...
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    Slooowwing down running Painter 7, afer the image has been open a while?

    ....I'm using painter 7 in OS X (10.1.3),850 + RAM on a 733mhz Quicksilver G4.... OS X operates behind the scenes in it's memory consumption usage, right? Lately (last couple of weeks -- been "painting" w/ it since Jan. 2002 when I got the G4), after a while of an image file being open, an...
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    a 8.6 to a 9.2 to a X question (firmware problem)??

    Hi, Very frustrating for this "non-expert " to update my wife's 266mhz grape iMac to OS 9.2, from OS 8.6. It asks me to "update the firmware" when trying to install. Thus not letting me install..... Fiiiiinnnnne. Tells me to go to the CD extras folder on the install disc -- it ain't...
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    Getting required "firmware update" for installing OS 9.2, from 8.6??

    Hi, Very frustrating for this "non-expert " to update my wife's 266mhz grape iMac to OS 9.2, from OS 8.6. It asks me to "update the firmware" when trying to install. Thus not letting me install..... Fiiiiinnnnne. Tells me to go to the CD extras folder on the install disc -- it ain't...