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  1. T

    Server SN Expiration

    Apple can give tech people OS X Server serial numbers (at least in Higher Ed where I am) which will expire after a certain date (6 months or so in the future). Does anyone know what happens to one of these servers when the serial number does expire? Are the services just disabled? Can I still...
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    Imaging New Computers

    When we get a new machine from Apple, we image it so it is ready for a user (our site-licensed software, etc.). Since OS X, using Apple Software Restore has been unreliable especially between different types of computers. And now that Apple is canning OS 9, that option appears to be out...
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    force setup assn't

    I heard that there is a file which is created when the setup assistant is run (when you first boot up your mac os X computer). If you delete this file, the next time you reboot, you'll get that setup assistant at startup. I know it can be done because if have some documentation on creating OS...
  4. T

    Startup Setup Assnt on next boot

    I remember hearing once that there was a file to delete which would force the Setup assistant (the program you saw after you first unpacked your mac) to come on at next boot. Anyone know what that file is or where? Thanks -todd-
  5. T

    OS 9 and Netare (Not OS X)

    Mac users have been pretty upset with performance of Netware under OS 9. Compared to a windows computer- it's pretty depressing. On a low end machine (G3 ibook and a Windows 300MHz running XP), a 15MB file copies in 30 seconds on the mac and 15 seconds on the PC. With higher end machines...
  6. T

    TiBook - Keyboard marks on screen

    I've seen several well used TiBooks with marks on the screen from the keyboard resting against it. How do we: 1 - remove those marks 2- prevent those marks in the future...?? Thanks! -todd- *************** Todd Houle Wesleyan University Macintosh Specialist
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    Two Screen Savers

    I have a question- I'm looking for a way to use the images in my pictures folder as a screen saver- and also to have a scrolling marquee as the screen saver. I'd like both at the same time, but that doesn't appear possible. How about just the marquee then? I love the use of the pictures...
  8. T

    DNS Caching under OS 8/9

    Hi- users here connect to our mail servers by conneting to, where username is thier logon name. This way, we can add/change mail servers when we want to without reconfiguring the user's computers. However, the macs seem to be trying to connect to the old servers...
  9. T

    Terminal Activity

    Hi- I'm just finishing a Kiosk station using OS X and IE. anyone can come up to this computer and use IE for whatever. I've got a PERL script run through cron that watches the IE History file to determine when IE was last used, and if it's been longer than 3 minutes, kill IE and reset the...