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  1. P

    chaning italicized font in desktop icons

    this is purely a cosmetics issue but i remember reading somewhere (i think macaddict when os x just came out) that you can change the font of aliases so that it isnt italicized. i was wondering if there is a way to do this for os 9 cuz all my aliases have the grey background with the name in...
  2. P

    kinda off topic...but mandrake 8.2 wont install

    whats up? this isnt exactly dealing with darwin but rather with mandrake 8.2. im trying to install it on my imac 400 DVSE. the os installs fine after i initialize the disk with apples disk utility and then leave a small partition for the bootstrap but when it is ready to install bootstrap, it...
  3. P

    questions on x-windows

    what up? sorry for my stupid question, but i am pretty confused. anyways, i have been hearing of people running x on x. i have been reading a lot but cant put anything together. i have seen xfree86 for 10.1, but not for 10.2. i also discovered darwin is a totally stand alone os. what i...
  4. P

    running os x as a server disconnected from lan

    hello, i have php apache and mysql working fine on my os x.1.2 laptop. however, that is only when it is connected to my lan. when i unplug it, i cant access http at all. i am wondering if there is a way so that i can access all of my files (which are on my laptop) via http so that i can do...
  5. P

    problems with mysql

    Hello, I installed os x.1.2 on my laptop just to be able to do php/mysql on the road. I have been using 9.1 previously. I am decent with linux/bsd but I cannot get mysql to work properly on mac os x. I downloaded it from and followed his instructions. However, I am having...