Search results

  1. R

    Rotating Beach Ball

    I have replaced my original 60GB HD to a 160GB HD (PATA) capacity since the old one has broken down few months back. However, there are times that whilst doing work on my laptop (PB G4 - PowerPC) i.e. copying files, opening files etc the 'beach ball' seems to be rotating at a longer duration...
  2. R

    Maximise workspace

    Is it possible to maximise the workspace for all application i.e. Safari browser or MS Word etc to occupy the whole 'screen' area other than to drag the bottom corner or clicking the 'Green' maximise button?
  3. R

    DVD Player Not Loading Properly

    I just installed Leopard with iLife 08 on my Powerbook G4 laptop. When I insert a DVD movie with Apple's DVD Player as default, this occur: 1) insert DVD movie 2) DVD Player (v 5.0.1) application starts to load (beach ball goes round and round) 3) Desktop application stalled! Mouse cursor...
  4. R

    DVD Player v5.0.1

    I recently upgraded my Powerbook G4 12" with the new Leopard & iLife 08. After I updated to 10.5.2, my DVD Player seems to stalled my entire Desktop everytime I attempted to run it. Any idea? Any solution? Thanks in advance! Rizwan
  5. R

    12" Powerbook RAM upgrade

    Hi there I owned a 12" Powerbook G4 with a combined memory of 768MB. I intend replace the 512MB (Kingston KVR333X64SC25) to 1GB. My question is: can my Powerbook use a 400Mhz RAM instead of a 333Mhz? I want to elaborate but my knowledge on this matter is quite shallow. Anybody care to assist...
  6. R

    Bluetooth: Not Available

    Hello there Few days ago I noticed my bluetooth icon (top bar) has a "M/W" shape on it and when I put my mouse pointer it indicates "Bluetooth: Not Available". Any idea whats going on?
  7. R

    Parallels 3.0

    I heard people say the Parallel 3.0 will significantly reduce a Powerbook/Macbook's performance. Is this true? If so, what are the alternative?
  8. R

    Windows OS in Macs

    Is it possible to install & run software native to Windows i.e. AutoCad in Macs with Windows OS?
  9. R

    MacOSX Leopard

    Is the Leopard compatible with the PowerPC based system or specifically made for Intel Macs?
  10. R

    Yahoo Messenger

    How to receive file sent from a PC to Mac?
  11. R

    mac jpeg format compatibility

    How to make sure that the jpeg format saved from a Mac be compatible with a PC version? It happened to me on 2 occassion: 1) I scanned photos on my Mac, save as jpeg format but I cant open it in a PC. Anything I should do? Rizwan