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  1. B

    How to directly xdmcp-connect to a remote host with DarwinX and/or OroborOSX ?

    Hi! Does XDarwin or OroborOSX support direct login with xdmcp on a remote host, or do I have to type in "/usr/X11R6/bin/x -query [clientname] -once -rootless" on the comandline ? btw: Do I type this at my local comandline or via ssh or telnet on the remote machine's comandline ? This is...
  2. B

    OSX.1.5 constantly tries to open internet-connection

    Hi everyone. Earlier that day I noticed that my Laptop constantly tries to open my DSL-Line (I have to use PPPoE), even though I didn't trigger it. I guess this has been happening for a few days now, but I didn't recognise it as unwanted behaviour for I'm almost constantly online. Well...