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  1. B

    network, address book and calculator

    I installed 10.2 Jaguar and everything seems to be working fine but...I cannot open the address book, cannot access the network functions and I can't open the calculator. I looked at the log and it says every function (address book, network, calculator) have crashed. I don't understand this. I...
  2. B

    OSX and AOL 10.1

    I have got OSX 10.1, I'm trying to catch up with you Jag people, installed and I have installed AOL 10.1. Is there someone out there with a beige G3 that can give me the step by step, blow by blow instructions to get it to finally sign on? I can get into AOL fine on 5.0/OS 9.1, but as soon as I...
  3. B

    OSX and AOL 5.0 in classic

    Well, I finally got OSX to install on my beige G3 after several attempts! I had to reconfig the orginial HD and then flash the ROM, from the firmware update at Apple. That solved the problem with getting the "can't open, ...card" which was referring to my SCSI card I discovered, it was writing...
  4. B

    OSX won't install error -199

    Ok, so I'm new, let's get that out of the way first... so I go to install OSX on my Beige G3 server minitower, I just installed a 40gb ide drive and partitioned it as I have read. I put the CD install in my Iomega and it sees it. As soon as I click on the installer, it comes up with the message...