Search results

  1. Gnomo

    Time Machine Exclude System Files

    What all gets excluded from a Time Machine backup when you specify 'Exclude All System Files' when selecting to exclude the 'System' folder?? Does this include all of the invisible unix folders? I don't see much reason to back that up since I can always reinstall from CD.
  2. Gnomo

    Corrupted External Drive

    A couple days ago while I was working on my desktop computer (PPC G4), Time Machine popped up a message that the backup attempt had failed. When I opened the console to determine what the problem was, I saw these error messages (repeated several times) Error: (5) getxattr for...
  3. Gnomo

    What mailboxes does Mail use for keep messages on server

    I use the IMAP protocol so that I can check my messages on multiple machines and access my email at work via Webmail. Normally this works great, but on occasion, a message or two will go missing. Often because I forgot to close Mail on one of my machines and Mail has flagged the message as...
  4. Gnomo

    Can Time Machine Backup to Network Without Creating Images

    I have leopard installed on my desktop in my home office and the mini connected to my home theater. I would like to have the mini backup to an external drive in my office, since Apple pulled AirDisk support. The drive is being shared via AFP. However, when I attempt to do this, it wants to...
  5. Gnomo

    Clone Multi-Linked Disk

    I currently have an external hard drive that I am thinking re-tasking as my Time Machine backup disk. However, the capacity of the drive is too low for the 1:2 ratio that everyone seems to recommend when asked how big of a drive I should have/get (especially if I backup all 3 of my machines to...
  6. Gnomo

    aGent mac webcam review?

    So, I'm in the market for a webcam/mic combo for my mini. I've thought about trying to hunt down an isight, because I don't like to look of any of the logitech or other webcams that are out there. Then I came across this aGent mac webcam by Liquid Digital Solutions out of Australia. However...
  7. Gnomo

    Help correcting overscan on HDTV

    The other day I purchased a new Mac Mini and connected it to my Magnavox 26" HDTV (26MF605W/17) via the DVI port. On initial boot, the menu bar, half of the dock, and a good portion of each side were off the screen. I found a couple forums where people were asking about similar problems with...
  8. Gnomo

    Javascript & Mail Clients

  9. Gnomo

    Airport not detecting networks after sleep or reboot

    Recently my Airport card in my iBook (2001) started misbehaving. It began as with the card not detecting any wireless networks after waking from sleep or switch users. For a while this could be resolved by turning the airport card off and on a few times. The it started causing...
  10. Gnomo

    Legal Question: M$ Office 2004

    I am currently considering getting a copy of Office 2004, but before I shell out $150 for an upgrade, I though I would ask for some assistance understanding my rights when it comes to the EULA. 1. I am currently a college student, and as such qualify for the Educational version of office...
  11. Gnomo

    messed up icons

    Recently I have noticed that some of the icons on my computer are messed up. For example, I downloaded a PDF yesterday and it had the icon for a DVD-R. At first I thought it was just a custom icon, but then I noticed that other pdfs that I have had on my iBook for some time also had this icon...
  12. Gnomo

    help with tables

    I could use some help with a table rendering problem I'm having with IE 5 for mac (and probably IE for windows) When I render the following table in mozilla or safari, it looks the way it is supposed to. The top cell is 89 pixels, the middle cell sizes depending on the content in it...
  13. Gnomo

    iBook display problems

    Hey all, I have been experiencing some problems with my iBook. Occasionally when I wake the computer my screen will not come up to the correct brightness level. It looks like the screen does if you turn the brightness all the way down. Trying to adjust the brightness level has no effect on...
  14. Gnomo

    Permissions Headache

    I have an external hard drive that I am using for my iTunes library and other data that I share between my wife's account and my own. I also access this drive via AFP from my laptop. It had been working fine until a few days ago when I stopped being able to save things to the drive from my...
  15. Gnomo

    objective-c class question

    I've started learning Objective-C using the developer documentation and a book Learning Cocoa with Objective-C and for the most part I think I understand the language, so I've decided to try out my own project rather than just working with the examples in the book. However, I have run into a...
  16. Gnomo

    Javascript & Mail Clients

    I have a puzzle of a javascript that I could use help with. I am trying to come up with a method for putting email addresses into a website in such a way that they cannot be harvested by spambots (The javascript methods of "encoding" the email address are not secure enough IMHO), however my...
  17. Gnomo

    Airport Extreme and External Antenna

    So, I am looking at getting an apartment that is just outside the range of my college's wireless network. I would like to use wireless bridging to extend the network to include the apartment. I am looking into getting a Airport Extreme base station and a directional antenna, but I want to...
  18. Gnomo

    php won't compile on Panther

    I'm trying to compile php 4.3.3 on my iBook 500 MHz (newly upgraded to 10.3). I can't use the module apple ships because I need other options added to the configuration (namely the calendar enabled because I have to work with Windoze servers and they don't like negative timestamps in the...
  19. Gnomo

    shutdown problems, advice needed

    Warning this is kinda a long story. I work part time for my College's IT department and am considered the most knowledgable technician when it comes to the macintosh platform (scary considering I've only had a mac for the last year :D ). Currently the college is in the midst of a...