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  1. J

    Printer on Airport Express sometimes idle

    Well, it's now been several weeks since I took Supanatral's advice and replaced the USB cable. So far it has worked flawlessly. Thanks mucho. Lesson learned: generally, you get what you pay for J
  2. J

    Printer on Airport Express sometimes idle

    Hi! Thanks for responding, I've been out of town for a while. Good idea on the cable; I got a cheap one on ebaY for this, I'll try that first. What did you mean by resetting the print server? I looked in the Airport Admin Utility and the Printer Setup Utility and didn't see any place to...
  3. J

    Printer on Airport Express sometimes idle

    Hello: I searched several times, but couldn't find this issue anwhere. I have an iMac G5 with OSX 10.4.8, Airport onboard to Airport Extreme router with HP9800 printer attached to USB print server connection of AE router. During normal operation, both the G5, and my wife's iBookG4 can print...