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  1. R

    again: resize a partition?

    Now coming back to an older thread: How about resizing Mac OS X HFS+ partitions - is it possible? Does anybody have experience doing this with FWB Partition Toolkit (which is, as far as I understand, Max OS 8/9 only but capable to handle...
  2. R

    Move Mail to new installation / Panther upgrade?

    Does anybody know? I trained Mail's junk mail detection with more than 50.000 messages. Now I need to re-partition the drive which means to install Jaguar from scratch. How can I preserve the junk mail detection database? Furthermore, I'm going to install Panther on the 2nd partition. I...
  3. R

    strange NFS problem

    Regarding Mac OSX 10.2.3, newest DevTools installed, X11 installed, NFS Manager installed. Maybe anyone here has experienced something similar and found a solution. I do the following: * insert a DVD into the SuperDrive * export the DVD via NFS using the NFS Manager * mount the exported...
  4. R

    environment.plist - how to append to a variable?

    How can I append to a variable in environment.plist? For example, in profile I can simply specify: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin thus, append /usr/local/bin to whatever PATH is already set. Can I do this in environment.plist as well? If yes, how is the syntax?
  5. R

    Export a CD or DVD via NFS

    Thanks to everybody for all these very valuable threads about exporting directories via NFS. Using the search function in this forum did it very well this time :) Now I'm trying to export a CD or DVD via NFS. However, I find it impossible to create a permanent NFS export for this because it...
  6. R

    Project Builder and CVS

    Whatever I try, I can't get CVS to work within Project Builder. Using PB Version 2.1, I have checked out an existing project hierarchy and then created a Project Builder project. The .pbpro is located in the project's base directory. I manually created it from an "Empty project" template. After...