Search results

  1. E

    ICS File with multiple Events?

    Hi there! I have a small problem... (I think so... ;) ) I'm developing an Application that uses and creates .ics files. So far so good. It works fine! - But... How do I make ONE .ics file with 2 or more events? Not "Holiday, from September, 12th 2008 to September 14th 2008"... I mean 2...
  2. E

    iPod classic Volume Limit

    I already tried that... :( Either I made it wrong or it doesn't work... (But I think it just doesn't work...) Everything to make my iPod loud is on! - The max. volume and the "Sound check" (of course, it's off!) option. But thanks for your ideas!
  3. E

    iPod classic Volume Limit

    Hey Dudes! I'm searching for a possibility to crack the damn Volume Cap of my european iPod classic... I read lots of forums but got only one answer: This isn't possible at this time. Maybe one of you know how to do that or when it will be possible...? Thank a lot!
  4. E

    Leopard's Spotlight doesn't search...

    Yeah! Here's the command: sudo mdutil -i on / This works great! =)
  5. E

    Leopard's Spotlight doesn't search...

    No... I fixed the problem... Spotlight didn't index the entire computer... With a Terminal action I could fix this... :) But thanks for your idea! :-)
  6. E

    Leopard's Spotlight doesn't search...

    Hi there! I've got a problem with Leopard Server... It's the first time that I run a server version. Everything works great! But... Spotlight... Spotlight doesn't search anything on my internal HD. :-( On my external HD (connected with FireWire) it works! I already deleted the...
  7. E

    Leopard Reviews

    Hi there! I really like Leopard! (You know from my posts.) ;) But... I tryed to connect to my WLAN network (for uncountable times)... But Leopard doesn't find my network called "WLAN-network". But it finds it when I installed Leopard and it wants to connect to Apple. (When I choose it, it...
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    Leopard Reviews

    Yes, you're right! I tryed to change the size of the icons but there are no settings for that... :( I hope that Apple fixes this "problem"... ;)
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    Leopard Reviews

    Sorry, I've not read all statements... ;)
  10. E

    Leopard Reviews

    I tested Leopard for a few days... It's really more stable than all other builds before 9A466. The only applications that don't run on Leopard are applications that were made with REALbasic and REALbasic it's self. (Other applications I haven't found yet... ;) ) Some of the new features are...